Who likes to do review? Not many unfortunately.

Most people find review to be painful, dull, excruciating, fruitless and ultimately a losing battle. Their learning schedule is usually filled with new material, with almost no time dedicated to keeping up their connection to the “old”.

I personally love reviewing.

It’s not because I’m a glutton for pain or revel in drudgery. Rather I love to breeze through material I’ve learned and see my mastery of more material grow. It’s a great feeling to keep in touch with a lot of material weekly and monthly and keep it fresh. It’s also wonderful to remember a source and where I learned it so I can make more and more connections.

In this video I explain what I call the Chazara Misconception. This is a big source of the problem for many and understanding this can help you pivot to a whole different approach to learning and review.

Click here to go to the next video called The 10 Percent Rule