Chumash Overview Course (Samples)

I’m excited to announce that I’ve recently completed my Chumash Overview Course geared for the Day School/Yeshiva market. It follows the same format as my current course on except that the terminology is in Hebrew and it assumes a level of familiarity with the Chumash. This course is the ultimate “Big Picture” presentation of the…

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Welcome to Patrons of the Talmud

Welcome. Producing a big picture Course on the entire Talmud has been a long time dream and I’m thrilled Patrons of the Talmud is getting a lot of enthusiastic support. A number of people have asked me to show them some sample videos to get a better idea of how the whole program works. So here they are. I’ve produced…

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1. Overview of a Seder

The program begins with getting a big picture perspective of a Seder. Having a clear organized framework for the 63 Masechtos is important so when you learn something new you know where it’s goes and how it fits in to the rest of Torah She’Baal Peh. In this video you’re going to learn the 12 Masechtos in…

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2. Overview of a Masechta

The first step to mastering a masechta is getting clear on the major topics covered and to see how they are organized by perek. I want you going into a Masechta with an overall map so you can build your understanding with confidence and effectively and never feel lost. We’re also going to get clear…

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3. Overview of a Concept

Now that we’ve got an understanding of what Taanis covers, let’s now get clear on the first topic discussed which is fasting for rain.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus

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Vestibulum erat wisi

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Praesent dapibus

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Donec non enim in turpis

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Aenean fermentum

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